Pack Lightly for your Out-of-Town Trips with these 5 Tricks

As soon as vacation season rolls in, people start making plans for out-of-town trips. But before they can enjoy a grand vacay, they first have to conquer that thing everybody dreads and hates: packing. To make it less dreadful for you, we've listed down five easy tricks that will help spare you from the cost of excess baggage and save you from a cramped bus, plane, and train rides.
1. Make a list.
Before you start packing your bag, it’s more efficient to create a list of things you need to bring. This way, you can pack faster and you’re sure not to forget anything. Making a list can also prevent you from overpacking. If a particular item is not on your pre-made list, reconsider if you really need to bring it on your trip. Don’t pack a lot of things for those "just in case" scenarios in your head because chances are, you won't even need them!
2. Pack ahead of time.
Packing efficiently also means having ample time to do so. Make sure you give yourself some time to ditch and decide what you will bring. Don't cram on the night before your trip to avoid packing a lot of unnecessary items.
3. Plan your #OOTDs.
Thinking of what you’ll wear before your trip will spare you from packing excess clothes, only to use three to four pieces over and over again. To make sure that you stay fashionable without the extra baggage, pack basics and neutrals that you can mix and match throughout your trip rather than bringing a lot of different options. Don’t forget to bring statement accessories such as hats, necklaces, and shades to spice up your outfits.
4. Wear the heavy and/or bulky clothes.
If you're afraid of the possibility that it will get cold, wear it during your flight or carry it with you instead of packing it. Also, you can also wear your hat instead of stuffing it into your bag for a chic airport look!
5. Pack travel size.
Toiletries and makeup can take up a lot of space, so make sure to reduce the number of items you’ll bring with you. A lot of products have travel size counterparts, so look for those instead of buying the regular size. But if you don't want to spend, you can always be resourceful and refill travel-friendly containers with the products you need for your trip. You can also fill small bottles to store hair products, lotion, and even leftover contact lens cases to store makeup!
Now that you're ready for that out-of-town trip, the next task is to find the right hotel to stay in. Go Hotels is an affordable and convenient choice for travelers who want a hassle-free vacation. See if there's a Go Hotels branch where you're staying here.
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